Library Questions Answered

How many books may a student check out?


How many magazines may a student check out?


What if a student has overdue items, can a student still checkout new items?

No. A student cannot checkout new items until the overdue items are returned or renewed. The student will receive an overdue notice as a reminder during library class. (Of course, a teacher can override this if he/she feels the student needs a book to read).

Is the library open during lunch, recess or OP?

No. Grades 3-5. The library is NOT open for lunch or recess for grades 3-5.

Yes. Grades 6-8. The library is open OP periods for grades 6-8.

Students should come to the library with a pass signed by their teacher. Multiple students can be listed on the pass.

When are library materials due?

Library materials are due every time the student comes to the library during their scheduled library time. However, students may renew books with the permission of the librarian. New books will not be renewed in order to be fair to the other students.

When do library grades appear on report cards?

Library grades are given all three trimesters for grades 3-5 and all four marking periods for grades 6-8.